
Mixing for the Future of Multimedia

Optimize your music for the MultiStageTM without leaving your desktop or buying a plurality of studio monitors. MultiSim gives you most of the tools that a 30-year producer working in a high-end production environment has, so you can make something that will sound good played back on just about anything. This makes it possible for users who don’t have an advanced skill set or decades of experience to accurately model their sound for the myriad devices without leaving the comfort of their own home. When you start to mix regularly in a reflection free acoustic space you’ll begin to actually hear better and quite literally become a better producer.

For instance, if you listen to the Black Eyed Peas hit “Boom Boom Pow” on one of our monitoring systems you quickly notice the “click” that was added to all the bass drum notes. This was deliberately done so listeners would still perceive bass even if they’re listening on a bass-light smartphone or tablet. Quickly simulate many different playback devices with surprising accuracy and start hearing music the way it was meant to be heard, pure. MultiSim is a sophisticated toolset designed to make sure your hard work sounds great anywhere and everywhere.

The Problem

Decades ago, you mixed so your music would sound good in two places; on the car stereo or table top radio and on a pair of Hi-Fi speakers. If the mix sounded good on both of them, your job was done. By the 1970s, so many listening choices popped up that producers struggled to account for the differing playback signatures of boom boxes, cassette playback systems, earphones, small over the ear headphones and so on.

That brings us to today, where playback has exploded into thousands of playback possibilities: front of house sound systems, mobile phone ring tone speakers with a number of very different audio signatures for Apple, Android and Windows phones and let us not forget the legendary white Apple earbuds. You can’t possibly collect all these devices and mix to all of them accurately without going mad and chewing up expensive studio time… or can you?

The Solution

Now you can simulate all these devices even headphones, on your desktop without an expensive acoustically treated mixing environment or having to playback over the devices themselves. MultiSim is an extremely high-resolution DSP technology. MultiSim is designed to accurately simulate different playback devices and environments with mind-bending accuracy and 24-bit/196kHz purity, even the most powerful playback systems capable of producing high SPL bass down to the 24-27 Hz range.

Because you’re listening to all this through our patented Shadocaster™ monitors, what you hear when you play your mix through any of the simulations is freakishly close to the real thing.

MultiSim is built into your Phasx desktop production monitoring system. Regardless of whether you want to target your music for smartphone devices, the automobile, tablets and computers, the average flat screen TVs and sound bars, or huge nightclub sound systems or movie theaters, MultiSim brings them all to life in one place, your desktop!


Applications for modeling are numerous. Virtually any device, room, or venue can be simulated with our systems making it possible to prepare your music for optimal playback on all devices, specific classes of devices, or just a targeted device or venue. If you want to preview how tonight’s club mix will shock and awe your fans when played at thunderous levels in the dance club, you can find that out too. Now you can model it with near-flawless accuracy at easy-listening levels. You’ll save your ears from having to do the check at 100-plus dB. Modeling is highly effective, and it makes your mixing and mastering work very efficient.

For Example you can master your mix for:

  • iPhone or Android devices
  • Automobiles
  • TV sound bars or pedestal speakers
  • Portable Bluetooth speakers
  • Popular ear buds and headphones
  • Movie theaters and Hi Fi loudspeakers
  • Internal and external computer speakers